
Lectures and Seminars- The Soul’s Journey and the Truth of Reincarnation and its Facts

All spirits (souls) are created equal, but all men are not born equal. As spirits we were created with a free will and a conscience to guide that free will. With that conscience, each one of us is responsible for the well-being of our soul. Our weaknesses and strengths are to be found in our souls. To understand reincarnation is to understand the soul. To understand the soul is to understand reincarnation. To understand the soul is to know who we are and why we are on earth. We are spiritual beings experiencing human life. As spiritual beings (divine forces), the soul cannot be understood within the limits or confines of our five senses which have resulted from the weaknesses of the soul. And so, the soul is infinitely much greater than the sum total of the five senses. We are greater than the sum total of our five senses. Once we recognize that we are spiritual beings experiencing human life, then we will no longer be prisoners of our senses, the result of our straying from our true path.

What is reincarnation? Reincarnation is the process by which the soul must transform itself by undergoing the trials of various corporeal lives. It is the process by which the soul leaves one body in one lifetime and enters other bodies (host bodies) in other lifetimes until it has attained perfection or equilibrium. Reincarnation is a simple truth devoid of dogma that gives us agency over our lives. It has resulted from the weaknesses of the soul and explains who we are and why we are here in this earthly plane. It explains our phobias, likes and dislikes, our strengths and weaknesses in mind, body and soul and many other aspects of life and events to which there seems to be no answer.  Death makes reincarnation possible. The knowledge of the soul and its journey and the truth of reincarnation and its facts have many practical applications such as helping to choose the right vocation in a given lifetime, to avoid  toxic relationships, and to navigate health issues. Knowing our past lives and the history of the soul is not to aggrandize but rather to provide us with help to make our lives, our earthly existence better.

Winnifred says that the knowledge of the soul, its journey and the truth that is reincarnation and its facts helps her fine-tune her work as a shaman, healer/counsellor and psychic medium. The knowledge is the theory and her shamanic work, mediumship, counselling and healing are the applications. We often do things without knowing how and why they work the way they do. This knowledge of the soul, its journey and the truth that is reincarnation and its facts explain the why and how of what she does allowing for a deeper understanding of the spiritual plane to which a shaman must often travel in completing their tasks. For example, knowing the history of the soul and its journey can help Winnifred determine the best career path for a client because of the skill set and experience developed in other lifetimes and the particular expiation or trial that the client has to undergo in the present lifetime.

At the end of the day, it is up to you whether you choose to follow the counsels given to you.